Q: Is this a good quote?
A: Please don’t ask if we like it or not...Unless you have read the guidelines. We really do care about your quote, but we are just out numbered. There are over 400 seniors that submit quotes. Many of the people with questions really just need to read the guidelines and FAQ.
Q: What should I put as my quote?
A: That is for you to think about. You have had your entire high school career to think about it.
Q: Do you have to turn in your quote at the very last minute?
A: No, you can actually turn it in early. We would really appreciate it if you did.
Q: Is it okay if I say something bad in my quote?
A: This is going to be printed in a book that people hang on to their entire life. Years from now, is that really how you want to be remembered? Also, administration reviews all quotes before they are selected to be included in the yearbook. Quotes with questionable content will be rejected.
Q: When/How will I know if my quote was approved?
A: We intend to review every quote after October 2. We will try to notify you if your quote was rejected. It can take us at least two weeks to return quotes rejected by yearbook staff members. All the quotes approved by staff are later read by school administration. Administration can choose to reject a quote without notice at any time.
Q: I forgot what I put as my quote. Could you tell me?
A: Sorry, we just don’t have time to take this request. We would post every quote online for you to look up but we believe it adds interest to the book to keep all the quotes secret until the book arrives…even from you.
Q: I submitted more than one quote by completing the form more than once. Which quote will you print?
A: We will print the most recent quote that was submitted by October 2.
Q: Do I have to use quotations?
A: No, we will include them for you. You can quote us on that.
Q: Can I have one more space for one more letter?
A: Sorry. In order for your name and quote to fit nicely under your picture, we have set a character limit.
Q: Do I have to use spaces between words?
A: Yourteachershaveworkedhard tomakeyouallbetterwriters. Wetakepridein qualitywritingatPorter. So, yeah...spaces between words are mandatory.
Q: When is the last day to turn in late quotes?
A: OCTOBER 2, 2023
Q: Can I change my quote?
A: You may submit a new quote on or before October 2, 2023. We will use the latest quote you have submitted.
Q: Do I have to write the whole word or can I just abbreviate?
A: You have to use complete words.
Q: Can’t we just make shout-outs to our friends? Please, we are best friends.
A: You can sign each other’s yearbook once they are distributed. However, unfortunately, we can’t accept quotes that reference other people on campus. This has been our policy for a long time. All it takes is for one bully to say something that upsets another student for things to go wrong. We are not keeping a record of who approves of being mentioned in a shout out by another particular student and we do not have time to inquire who does or does not want to be mentioned in another student's shout out.
Q: Can I use an emoji in my quote?
A: No. emoji are too informal and would distract from all of your beautiful faces.
The senior quote is a formal quote next to your formal portrait. It is just not the time or place for emoji, sorry.
Q: Can I use a weblink as my quote?
A: No. A link does not sound offensive but what can potentially be put on a webpage could be.
Q: Can I tell people about my fundraiser in my quote?
A: No. Porter has a process for approving fundraising activities on campus and the yearbook is not a venue for personal fundraising.
Q: Can I direct people to a timestamp to a TV show or movie in my quote?
A: No. We just do not have the time or the access to check what you are trying to reference in such a quote.
Q: Can I say something that is sexually explicit in my quote?
A: No!
Q: Can I say something that is offensive and may upset other people on campus?
A: No. The yearbook is for everybody. Why would we bother to print something that could offend people?
Q: Can I express my disapproval of the school or people on campus?
A: No. The yearbook is just not the place for that.